Cara Paling Ampuh Agar Akun Gmail Tidak Terkena HACK
Who is not familiar with Gmail? The service, which is short of Google Mail is a web-based email service provided by Google free. You can send email messages for free via Gmail.

Gmail has many uses, and the most popular is possible to save the game you play. This time I will discuss tips for Gmail / Google Mail you are protected from hackers.

See Also:
How to Check Affected Gmail Account Hack or Not
How Secure Email Gmail With Two-Step Verification
7 Tips and Tricks Gmail on Android Smartphone

Most Powerful Ways To Hack Gmail Account Not Affected
Before entering further to discuss the things you can do to secure your Gmail account, there are some things you should know. Here are a few things I recommend to avoid:

Do not tell your email address and your password to anyone, unless that person so you believe.
Do not write your email address and password in the link / web is not reliable. For example, someone who claims to be giving gems Clash of Clans.
How to secure your Gmail account from hackers (1)

Gmail for Android
Gmail for Android 5.11.115209765
Social & Messaging by Google
Download by
1. Use a password that is difficult to Know People

Now this is important in the password for an account. Therefore try to take the time to read the article 7 Password must to Avoid According to Bill Gates. If you feel that the password you use for this is less secure, you can change the password here.

2. Turn on 2-Step Verification

2-step verification is the right way to do, because if someone wants to login with your Gmail account would have trouble. How to enable 2-step verification in a Gmail account can be done via this link.

How to secure your Gmail account from hackers (2)

Then start Setup and enter your password back. And zoom will look like ini.Cara secure your Gmail account from hackers (4)

If so, enter your phone number and select Send Code. When you have covered code type in the code and you're done.

3. Enable Recovery Email and Phone

This method is very useful. Because if you forget the password, you can simply replace it with a number or email address of the recovery. If you want to activate it you can go to this link for the recovery number here handphonedan recovery by email. You do this by entering the password you go back and change the recovery address.

4. Always Monitor Devices Accessing Your Email

This is the way that you know whether your email address accessible on other devices or not. To check it please go to this link.

How to secure your Gmail account from hackers (3)

By doing the 4 steps above, your Gmail account will be safe from the action hack. Good luck!
Cara Mudah Root ASUS Zenfone 5 KitKat Terbaru
Asus Zenfone arguably the most successful 5 is a smartphone made by ASUS today, with users that have reached millions in Indonesia, making Asus Zenfone 5 into tight competition Redmi Xiaomi Xiaomi 1S or superior Note.Dan one of Asus Zenfone 5 is specifications. Well, if it relates to the specifications, it would be no such thing Customize or fancy term "oprek". To do oprek Android, you first have to Root Asus Zenfone 5.
Root is a process for opening a permission or limit use of a smartphone, with root you can get full access to Asus Zenfone 5 you have. But you should read the first 5 Reasons Why No Need Root Android
Okay, if you still want to do Rooting Asus Zenfone 5, see the following tutorial:Step Preparation

First, download the first Intel Android Driver and Root Files for Asus Zenfone 5.
Intel Android USB Device Driver
Intel Android USB Device Driver 1.1.5
Drivers & Smartphone by Intel Corporation
Download by
Root Asus Zenfone 5
Root Asus Zenfone 5 for KitKat 4.4.2
Browser by
Download by

Secondly, enable USB Debugging mode in your Asus Zenfone 5, by going to Settings> About> System Information.

Then, TAP / Click around 10x on the Build Number. Tap until the Pop-Up reads You're now a developer.

Okay, now try to return to the Settings menu. There should have been additional menus, namely Developer options.

Go to the Developer menu options, and search and check the USB debugging, if there is confirmation, click OK.
Okay, a preparatory step has been completed. Make sure all of the above steps did you do it right so that when entering the work steps can all run smoothly.Step execution

Okay, first step, first siapin Data Cable and connect Asus Zenfone 5 to computer using the data cable. Windows will immediately recognize two of the three drivers, for drivers MTP you need to connect to the internet, so that Windows can automatically find and download it.

If all the drivers have been installed, it would appear the Pop-Up verify USB debugging on your Asus Zenfone 5. Click OK.

Root Extract Files Asus Zenfone 5 that had been you downloaded using WinRAR.
5:30 WinRAR (32-bit)
Compression & Backup by RARLab
Download by

Open RootZenFone5KitKat folder, then run the Root-ZenFone5-en.bat.

Will open a Command Prompt window like this. Press Enter to begin the rooting process.

Wait until the process is complete root. This will require considerable time and Asus Zenfone 5 you will reboot several times.

Now, if the root process has been completed, it is time to install the application SuperSU or Super User. The trick, EnterShell.bat run, then type "su" and press Enter.

If you find it difficult to install Super User as above, you can download its own JalanTikus.
SuperSU 2.61
Developer Tools by Chainfire
Download by
Now Asus Zenfone 5 you already rooted. You need to know, the function of the root are diverse, ranging from positive to negative, but more positive really. Hehehe ..
If you still have problems, do not hesitate to comment below ya!
Cara Gampang Copy-Paste Isi Buku Cetak Jadi Teks di Komputer
For you who are still in school or college again, usually in work on tasks you need to take some excerpts from the book. But certainly you lazy right that must be typed sentence in the book. Moreover, if the words that you want to quote it a lot, for example, one full page. Well, Jake will love how easy copy-paste the contents of the textbook so the text on the computer.

Also Read:

    How to Write a Book Copying Being a Microsoft Word Documents Automatically
    How to Create Unique Photo with Text Edit Photos So
    How to Create AutoText in Android

The method used is OCR (Optical Character Recognition). How it works OCR is to recognize the text contained in an image and convert it into digital text characters. Jaka immediately love to know the steps, yes!
How to Easily Copy-Paste Text Book Print So in Computers

    Prepare the image of the scanned books that you want to quote. Try to scan or photograph your books with high image resolution, and make sure there are no stains or streaks on her writing.


    You download the software below. FreeOCR his name. Then you install as usual. You certainly can, lah.

FreeOCR 5.4.1
Productivity by Paperfile
Download by

    Once installed, open the program. Then click the red X to delete an existing default text. This text is actually a short instruction using the program FreeOCR.


    Click "Open" to open the file scan or photograph your book.


    Select a scanned image or photo book that you want to set the text. Continue to click "Open". You can select more than one image or page.


    Click the "OCR" to begin the OCR process. If the pictures you enter more than one, you can select "Current OCR Page" to process one page, or select "OCR All Pages" for all pages at once.


    Wait for the OCR process is running. The duration of this process depends on the amount of text in the image that you enter.


    Once the text appears, consider every word to see if there is an error reading the text. Therefore, the accuracy of the words also depends on the clarity of the results of the scan you book.


    After that, you can block all part or all of the text to be copied to other programs. You can store in a file * .txt (Notepad), * .doc (Microsoft Word), or RTF.


Well, now you've been able to change the text in a printed book you finished typing text that you can copy-paste and edit at will. This method is certainly useful really if you're in a tight deadline. For example just given a task that day, or else you do not have time because of busy with other work. Good luck!
Cara Mudah Transfer File Dari Android Ke Komputer Tanpa Kabel
Often we need the files contained in our Android smartphone. Indeed, it is not a problem because we can use the data cable that was provided when we buy a smartphone. But it becomes a problem if we are at that time did not bring the data cable. Not to worry, there is good news for Android users, there is an application called FTP Server which can download and upload files from and to our smartphones. With the proviso for computers and smartphones we are connected in a network (WiFi).

Also Read:

    How to Transfer Files from Android to PC without Bluetooth
    How to Know the Location Server Website
    FHx Private Server Clash of Clans Indonesia with 800 million Gems FREE !!

How to Access Files on Smartphone with FTP Server

    First download and install the FTP Server program from Google program

    More easily you can directly download FTP Server via JalanTikus.
    FTP Server
    FTP Server 1:25
    Developer Tools by The Olive Tree
    Download Google Play
    Download by

    Once installed, open the FTP Server application that has been in the smartphone, then tap the Power button image (image circle with a red vertical line). So it appears our FTP address. The example in the figure below our FTP address: ftp: // 2221masukkan image description here

    To download the files we could use some kind of program FileZilla FTP Client. But no easy way is to use a browser, such as Mozilla Firefox. Write down our FTP address in the browser, as shown below. enter image description here

    If required username and password write down your username and password as shown in our smartphone screen.

    To turn off ftp, FTP Server program open back. Press the Power button until the FTP address we do not appear lagi.masukkan image description here

How? Easy right ?! Good luck!
Cara Hack Facebook Orang Lain dan Cara Agar Facebook Kita Tidak Dihack
You may be among those who like to post something on Facebook. You write your personal data on Facebook, such as birth date, education, share the location with friends and other things are even forbidden to do on Facebook. Maybe you've forgotten, that are out there wandering the malicious hackers lurking data you share on Facebook. Do you feel threatened by hackers? If so, Jaka will give way Facebook Hack other people at the same ways that we do not hacked Facebook.

Also Read:

    10 Application Hacking Popular For Windows Password Cracking and Website
    Want to be happy? Remove Facebook from Android You Now!
    This Reasons Why Facebook Kena Hack and Inaccessible

Instead, Jaka share this way not because it allows you to do evil. But in order for you to learn how to secure the Facebook account from hackers such a method. Clear? Do not get me wrong loh ya!
Easy Ways to Hack Facebook Others with methods Forgotten Password

One way to hack up another person's most basic and can be done for free is to use methods of forgotten passwords. This method is provided by Facebook to take your Facebook account at any time if you forget the password. However, who would have thought if it turns out in this way can be used to break into other people's Facebook password?

Easy ways to hack Facebook_1
How to Hack Facebook Others With Password Forgot Methods

To be successful in doing other people using the Facebook hack forgot password method, there are some basic things you should know. The important thing is the person's email. Continue, this will be successful if you are really close to the people you are going to hack Facebook. Why should close? Because Facebook will do the stages of identifying the truth about the Facebook owners.

If you are ready, Jake will go to the stages, namely:

    First of all open up, and then select Forgot your password. Further input earlier email. If you do not know the person's email, you can check out all profile information if friends on Facebook, or by pretending to ask his email address for the purpose of assignment or whatever the reason.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_2

    If you have access to one of the 3 things that shown by Facebook, please you choose proceed. Otherwise, select Do not have access here again?

Easy ways to hack Facebook_3

    Please fill in the email or telephone contact can be contacted by Facebook. As a precaution so as not suspicious, you can use a new email that is similar to the previous email. So you need to first set up a new email. Less time consuming, right? But make it easy anyway email.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_4

    The next stage, you please answer the question shown. If a potential victim was a friend near you, then you will easily answer the question. You can fumble your friend answers from everyday life. If successful, you can immediately change their password. And just wait 24 hours to get into his Facebook account.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_5

    If it turns out the question is difficult to answer, you can select Restore with the help of a friend. Again, Facebook provides assistance that actually used as a loophole to break the security.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_6

    By choosing the 3 friends are displayed, you have allowed Facebook to contact them to help you get into your Facebook network of friends. The friends you choose, they will receive a code that will have to offer input at a later stage.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_7

    At this stage, in order to convince friends who have received the code from Facebook before you can create a new Facebook account. Then contact and convince friends that had you choose to ask for the code. If it has been established, live input the code in the available space.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_8

Looks easy to hack Facebook is not the way other people use this method? While it is easy, you have to be patient to do so. But the result, you can break into a Facebook account so your friends.
Securing way of Method's Facebook Account

Once you know that a hacker can break into Facebook you with methods to forget the password, of course you have to be careful. So that you do not become a victim of hackers who use this method, Jaka will also give you a way to secure your Facebook account. Besides 8 UNCLEAN Things You Do on Facebook, there are some other things you should consider for your Facebook remains a safe, namely:

    Use different emails between email Facebook with personal email. The goal is to avoid a close friend of the email you use to experiment hack.

    How to secure your Facebook account the next is to hide their email address on Facebook. In addition to avoiding things that are phishing and spam emails to you, also minimizes the hacker attack on your Facebook.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_9

    In order to secure your Facebook account, when choosing the question of security make sure you use the answers difficult. Not the answer that actually appear on your daily life. One could guess the answer from your post on Facebook, or perhaps your daily activities at the office. As well, do not use things that are common.

    Learn more about the Facebook account recovery methods through friends. There you can specifically choose three friends to call up when you lose access to your Facebook. Make sure it is your closest friends that you can trust.

Easy ways to hack Facebook_10

Well, that was an easy way to hack up others as well as how to secure your Facebook account. Hopefully this article you can respond wisely and not use them for actions that are not good. Are you there are ways to hack up people with an easier way? Jaka could be time shared ama.
Cara Menyadap Smartphone Android (Tested 100% Work)
Want to know is the basic instinct of man, from the Stone Age to the era of sophisticated, curious human instinct is never lost. Especially now, with sophisticated technology will make it easier for someone to get the information secretly. Well, that would Jaka discussed this time is how we can do the tapping on Android in a clean and transparent, so that the owner did not suspect and did not feel spied upon.

It may require the help of application, in this case using the Free Application Jaka called Children Tracker. This application is quite good, specifically designed to monitor the activities of the small, besides, Children Tracker can also monitor other activities, such as SMS, incoming phone, WhatsApp, BBM, and others.

Also Read:

    Owned Indonesian Anti Tapping technology that Attract Attention World
    How to Ensure the HP Android You're Not Being Tapped People

Tapping way Android Smartphones (Tested 100% Work)

    First, download and install Children Tracker on your Android.

Children Tracker
Children Tracker 2.6
Productivity by Safet
Download by

    Second, put into your Android and then do the installation as usual. If the first time you install APK, you must enable the "Unknown resources" in the menu "Settings - App".

    Third, register yourself by filling in the email. Then check your email, because there you will get a confirmation link and password that can be used to log in

    Fourth, to start monitoring, you must log in at This is the official portal of Children Tracker application, which in it we can monitor all activities of the victim.

    Cool, you can also determine the final location and position of the victim without using the GPS feature, this course will be very interesting is not it? Remember if you activate the GPS secretly, would be found, but not with this application.

Actually there are many applications that you can use to tap-tap, but it certainly is a paid application. Well, so now Jaka present the free version. Hehe ...
Children Tracker
Children Tracker 2.6
Productivity by Safet
Download by

NOTE: To record applications such as WhatsApp, LINE, BBM, Facebook Messenger, and so you must have root access first. If not, please read How to Root of All Kinds Android With Easy.
Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan di Bawah Shortcut Windows
to support the view beautiful desktop or laptop computer, you want the application shortcut cleaner without frills writing (label) underneath. But is it possible to eliminate the label? Of course, I can. Follow these easy tips yes.

Also Read:

    How To Remove Windows 7 Not Genuine Warning Without Software
    How to Safely Remove USB in Windows Using Keyboard Keys
    How To Easily Remove Junk Files in Windows 8 (Without Software)

    Arrange your desktop shortcut such that according to what you want.

    Try to right-click and select rename. Then remove the name of the application and type the Alt + 255 (the Alt key you must hold and you must type the number 255 via the numeric keypad to the right of the keyboard).

    The shortcut now will be filled with blank characters. If you want to rename more than one shortcut, no.2 above step (Alt + 255) should you repeat the second shortcut, and so on because in the desktop should not be any shortcut with the same name. (Example: in the second shortcut you can type the Alt + 255 + Alt + 255)

    Now the desktop you can look neater with the large icons. Good luck!
Cara Mengetahui Android Sudah Root atau Belum
Root is one of the most important things for the Android users, especially users who likes to learn new things or users who like to experiment. For those who do not know how to root Android, you can read one of the following article:

    How Easy Root of All Kinds Android Without a PC with Framaroot
    How to Root of All Kinds Android with Towelroot
    How Easy Root of All Kinds Android with KingoApp

If you've been following the tutorial above, or you are looking for a tutorial for your smartphone, but not sure if Android has been successfully rooted or not. JalanTikus have a way to ensure that Android has been rooted or not.
How To Know Android Already-root or Not

    Download Root Checker is then installed as usual on your Android.
    Root Checker
    Root Checker 5.6.1
    Productivity by joeykrim
    Download by

    Then open its Root Checker, click Verify Root.cek-root-1
    Wait a minute. If Android has been rooted, it will display a notification Congratulation! Root access is properly installed on this device! hijau.cek-colored root-2
    If not, then who will appear are Sorry! Root access is not properly installed on this device. merah.cek-colored root-3

With this application, you will no doubt whether Android has been rooted or not. If you want to unroot Android, you can read the article How to Easily Unroot Android with one click. Good luck!
Cara Akses File USB Flashdisk di Android
USB flash drive is one of the most external storage digunaka. Its small and has a capacity large enough to make a usb flash easy to carry anywhere.

Most people access the files in the USB flash them using a computer or laptop. However, with the increasing sophistication of technology, of course, access to the file can be done only with the Android smartphone can access kamu.Agar you need a tool called USB On The Go (OTG). This tool can you get in computer stores with a price of Rp. 15-50ribu. If you already have it, straight to the steps

    Connect the USB stick to Android with otg cable, wait until the notification as ini.Jika it appears, means flashdiskmu legible and can be directly used in Android.

    Open your file manager, here Jaka using Root Explorer. Open Storage> USBdisk, will automatically be redirected to an existing file on your flash.

    (Optional) If not detected usb flash on Android, you can download and install as usual StickMount in AndroidPilih Mount so usb flash legible.

In this way, you no longer need to bother spending your laptop to access the files in the flash. Good luck!