How to Eliminate Windows Shortcut text below

nasdnkl | 11:05 AM | 0 komentar

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan di Bawah Shortcut Windows
to support the view beautiful desktop or laptop computer, you want the application shortcut cleaner without frills writing (label) underneath. But is it possible to eliminate the label? Of course, I can. Follow these easy tips yes.

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    Arrange your desktop shortcut such that according to what you want.

    Try to right-click and select rename. Then remove the name of the application and type the Alt + 255 (the Alt key you must hold and you must type the number 255 via the numeric keypad to the right of the keyboard).

    The shortcut now will be filled with blank characters. If you want to rename more than one shortcut, no.2 above step (Alt + 255) should you repeat the second shortcut, and so on because in the desktop should not be any shortcut with the same name. (Example: in the second shortcut you can type the Alt + 255 + Alt + 255)

    Now the desktop you can look neater with the large icons. Good luck!


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