How to Easily Copy-Paste Text Book Print So in Computers

nasdnkl | 11:20 PM | 0 komentar

Cara Gampang Copy-Paste Isi Buku Cetak Jadi Teks di Komputer
For you who are still in school or college again, usually in work on tasks you need to take some excerpts from the book. But certainly you lazy right that must be typed sentence in the book. Moreover, if the words that you want to quote it a lot, for example, one full page. Well, Jake will love how easy copy-paste the contents of the textbook so the text on the computer.

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The method used is OCR (Optical Character Recognition). How it works OCR is to recognize the text contained in an image and convert it into digital text characters. Jaka immediately love to know the steps, yes!
How to Easily Copy-Paste Text Book Print So in Computers

    Prepare the image of the scanned books that you want to quote. Try to scan or photograph your books with high image resolution, and make sure there are no stains or streaks on her writing.


    You download the software below. FreeOCR his name. Then you install as usual. You certainly can, lah.

FreeOCR 5.4.1
Productivity by Paperfile
Download by

    Once installed, open the program. Then click the red X to delete an existing default text. This text is actually a short instruction using the program FreeOCR.


    Click "Open" to open the file scan or photograph your book.


    Select a scanned image or photo book that you want to set the text. Continue to click "Open". You can select more than one image or page.


    Click the "OCR" to begin the OCR process. If the pictures you enter more than one, you can select "Current OCR Page" to process one page, or select "OCR All Pages" for all pages at once.


    Wait for the OCR process is running. The duration of this process depends on the amount of text in the image that you enter.


    Once the text appears, consider every word to see if there is an error reading the text. Therefore, the accuracy of the words also depends on the clarity of the results of the scan you book.


    After that, you can block all part or all of the text to be copied to other programs. You can store in a file * .txt (Notepad), * .doc (Microsoft Word), or RTF.


Well, now you've been able to change the text in a printed book you finished typing text that you can copy-paste and edit at will. This method is certainly useful really if you're in a tight deadline. For example just given a task that day, or else you do not have time because of busy with other work. Good luck!


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